October 08, 2008


Man oh man... a lot of stuff has been going on lately with close friends that has been on my mind and I am praying for... I thought I might go ahead and write out a few things in case you readers need something to pray for :)

d.j. - resigned from his church and is looking for a job
jordan w. and family - mom's surgery
christina j. - graduating, where to live, job hunt... all that stuff (bleh)
chris d. - interviewed for a baller job and lots of exciting life changes going on (yay!)
dani k. - relationships
terry p. and family - wife's surgery for breast cancer
jen r. - school and friends
aaron d. - job situation

those are the big things on my heart at the moment :D while i've got you praying... haha, my big interview is tomorrow and i'm getting pretty nervous :\ how awesome is it that we can cast our burdens and be free to live aside from our fears. i love the god that we serve!

so life is good :D i played hostess at the restaurant i work at for two shifts now and that was fun... tonight i'm training to be a server, aaaaaaaaand that'll be funny.

hope all is well!! remember to send me updates on your lives as well <3

1 comment:

adoptingmama said...

praying for you and yours...
why didn't you want to come to Hawaii? I could give ya a big hug then! Ah, well...maybe sometime when we are back on the mainland, ok? much love